
Understanding Asset Liability Management easily and profoundly is important. After attending the certification course you will visibly demonstrate your competencies in ALM.  Interpretation of ALM reports and judgement of ALM decisions will be possible without third parties help.

i28 Interest Risk Certificate was designed for all working with ALM issues, but not being an ALM/Treasury specialist. We offer ALM knowledge in small, flexible and relevant portions. Depending on your learning speed, it takes 25 hours to learn and to deepen knowledge. The  training can be completed within 12 weeks.

To get a practical feeling of interest risk management, i28 Pro is included in the programme. You will exercise with paper trades and will receive immediate feedback on your actions. So theory is immediately transformed in practical application.

1. The Cyber*School of the module Interest offers following content:

  • Building blocks of Interest Rate Risk
    Reporting and Agenda of ALM Meetings
    Legal Regulations regarding the Interest Rate Risk
    Transfer Prices – methodology
    Interest Rate Risk Report: Mapping + GAPs
    Interest Rate Risk Performance: Accrual and present value
    Measuring the Interest Rate Risk
  • In depth-study
    • Organisation and Tasks of the ALM Management
      ALM / Total Bank Management within a Bank’s Business Modell
      The Tasks and the organisation of the ALM / Total Bank Management
      Risk Measurement and Risk Adequate Capital
      CRD/CRR: Legal Regulations incl. ICAAP
    • Measures in the control system
      Decision base Forward Curves
      Duration Hedging in the controlling
      Capital market swaps as instruments of ALM
      IFRS Hedge Accounting basics

2.  Simulation:

  • i28 Pro
    webbased programme to simulate interest rate risk decisions in ALM
    the goal  is to increase performance of the interest of the bank
    Adherence to conservative limits
    Achieving the budget target (Benchmark)

3. Certification